The Wallet Analyzer provides insights on wallet addresses and makes it easy to decipher on-chain transactions between wallets. Sorting through on-chain transactions can be daunting- there can be anywhere between tens to thousands of transactions occurring in a day, and it can be difficult to find meaning in this data. The Wallet Analyzer simplifies this process by aggregating this unstructured data to display key wallet characteristics, wallet portfolio composition, wallet relationships, and wallet trading activity. These features allow you to easily track and analyze Whale Wallets and discover new investment opportunities.
You can access the Wallet Analyzer by clicking on any wallet address within the Market Volatility & Liquidity module, On-Chain Monitoring module, and the Governance & Autonomy module on the project details page. You will then be redirected to an individual Wallet Analyzer page for that specific address.
Under the wallet address are labels that give you high-level information about the wallet, for example, whether it’s a Token Millionaire of a certain token, which chain(s) it’s found on, and if it’s a Whale wallet. You can also suggest labels that are not available, which CertiK will then review for consideration.
General Information is an overview of basic wallet attributes through a 24-hour, 7-day, and 30-day period. You can see the estimated balance of the wallet, the number of total transactions that the wallet engaged in, the total incoming and outgoing volume of those transactions, the number of token types it holds, and the number of wallet addresses related to the one you’re viewing.
Token Portfolio shows the wallet’s portfolio composition and gives you insight into which tokens the wallet is holding, how much of it they’re holding, and portfolio value over a 30-, 60-, 90-, and 180-day period. The Pie Chart visualization makes it easy to see the asset makeup and protocol allocation of a wallet.
You can also click on a Token Name (with a link) and visit the project details page to learn more about its security, market, governance, and social features.
Wallet Relationship shows other wallets that have recently transacted with the wallet you’re viewing, the volume and number of the transaction(s), and whether they are inbound or outbound flows. These relationships can be difficult to surface, but the Wallet Relational Graph helps visualize and make sense of these interactions.
Token Trading Analysis visualizes the trading activity of a wallet over time and displays which assets make up most of the incoming and outgoing transactions. You can view daily trading history, which includes transaction number and volume, up to a 180-day period. Transaction number by day of the week shows the distribution of transactions over specific days of the week, which gives insight into the trading behavior and patterns of the investor behind the wallet.
Recent Token Transfers shows the latest transaction history for the wallet and displays the trade data, which includes: token name, transaction ID, quantity, price (USD), value (USD), the counterparty wallet, whether it was sent or received, and how long ago the transaction occurred.
Wallet Analyzer makes it easy for you to track and analyze token holdings and trading behavior of specific wallets. Identify Whale Wallets and use the Wallet Analyzer to understand trading patterns and the portfolio composition of other investors. The Wallet Analyzer is an additional due diligence tool that enables you to dive deeper into your on-chain analysis and make more informed trading decisions.