Recently, we published a report on customized formal verification of the Cosmos SDK bank module, which we believe is the first such successful effort for the Cosmos SDK. Formal verification is a technique that uses mathematical logic to ensure that a system conforms to a specification and behaves as expected under all possible inputs and conditions. Here, we will guide you through the steps taken to formally verify the bank module of the Cosmos SDK, as well as some results of the verification process.
This is the third in a series on formal verification of the whole Web3 stack. Previous articles include a review of the formal verification of TON master chain contracts and the formal verification of Ant Group's HyperEnclave.
The Cosmos Software Development Kit (SDK) is a framework that enables developers to build custom blockchain applications. With the Cosmos SDK, developers can easily bootstrap their own Layer 1 blockchain without having to worry about designing and implementing everything from the consensus layer to the app layer. Cosmos SDK provides core modules that any chain can directly import and utilize, such as staking, auth, gov, and mint modules.
Source: Tendermint
The bank module in the Cosmos SDK handles all functionality related to token management, such as native coin transfers. There are many constraints and conditions that need to be satisfied for one to be able to send coins, like having enough available coins, excluding staked, locked, or unbonding coins. The bank module, with assistance from other modules such as staking and auth, manages the entire process for sending coins. While the bank module relies on some other modules, they are out of the scope of this formal verification, so we postulate some assumptions about their functionality to avoid overly complicating the process.
The SDK bank module consists of several submodules, including keeper and types, which are the core components that define the behaviors and the data types of the module respectively. Between the two modules, we’re going to focus on the keeper submodule, which contains most of the module’s functionality and features.
The keeper submodule has two key components: view and send. The view keeper manages account and balance, and the send keeper manages modifying account balances, like transferring and staking locked/unlocked coins. A flowchart for the bank module is shown below, with arrows directed from component to functionality/keeper.
Source: Cosmos Documentation
Methodology As previously mentioned, the scope is limited to the bank module. The verification process begins by formally specifying the data types within the bank module. For instance, the bank module has a coin struct containing a string denomination and big.Int amount. In the original source code, it is defined as follows:
type Coin struct { Denom string Amount Int }
Given the simplicity of the structure, the Coq (our modeling and formal verification language) record is defined as follows:
Record Coin := { Denom : string; Amount : Z }.
From this definition, we first prove properties about the basic coin operations to establish a foundation for the bank module's functionalities, which frequently modify and manipulate the coin type. For example,
Lemma sub_coin_ok coin1 coin2 coin3 : sub_coin coin1 coin2 = coin3 -> error.is_ok error.error Coin coin3 = true -> (coin1.(Denom) = coin2.(Denom))%string /\ not (is_negative {| Denom := coin1.(Denom); Amount := coin1.(Amount) - coin2.(Amount) |}).
The above lemma proves a basic invariant that subtracting two coins will never change the denomination or result in a negative balance.
Similar to the example above, the underlying components contributing to each state transition are modeled in Coq. The components include the KV Store, GasMeter, Error Handling, and Context. Detailed specification and verification of the data types can be found in the published repository on GitHub.
After migrating the base components, we can model the core keepers of the bank module to outline the module functionality. The bank keeper has two interfaces, one for read-only access to token data and one for transferring and maintaining token supply.
View Keeper manages read-only access to account balances. It has four functions used for account balance calculation:
: Retrieves the balance of a specific denomination for an account by address. It considers two scenarios: empty and non-empty byte sequences. Formal verification ensures that the GetBalance
function produces the correct result in both cases.LockedCoins
: Returns all unspendable coins for an account by address. Due to time constraints, some implementations from the auth module are assumed but not implemented.GetAllBalances
: Returns all account balances for a given account address.GetAccountsBalances
: Returns all account balances from the store as a record with fields BAddress
and BCoins
.Send Keeper manages the transfer of coins and token supply. It maintains the token supply during transfer so no new token is minted.
: Sets the coin balance for an account by address. The function considers two cases: setting a zero balance and setting a non-zero balance. The correctness of SetBalance is proven in both cases.subUnlockedCoin
: Deducts an amount (coin) from an address. A recursive function, subUnlockedCoins
, performs the same operation for a set of coins. Properties related to these functions are assumed as axioms.addCoin
: Adds an amount(coin) to an address. A recursive function, addCoins
, performs the same operat
ion for a set of coins. Properties related to these functions are assumed as axioms.SendCoins
: Sends an amount from one account address to another, resulting in an updated context with the amount updated for both addresses. It also supports cases where the receiver does not exist, in which case a new account is created.Using the above model of the core components, we can start the verification.
Verification is accomplished by formalizing a function's invariants and proving them in a proof assistant. The primary focus is on the core functionalities of the View Keeper and Send Keeper.
For instance, the specification and lemma setBalance_ok
demonstrate the correctness of the setBalance
function for the BaseSendKeeper
module. It specifically proves the following properties:
returns an "Ok" state, there exists a newMultiStore
such that the updated context uctx
is derived from the original context ctx
by updating the newMultiStore
relation holds, which ensures that the function behaves as expected in terms of updating the balance in the newMultiStore
and producing the updated context uctx.view.GetBalance
on the updated context uctx
, with the account address addr
and denomination balance.(Denom)
, will return the same balance that was set by send.setBalance
.These properties are written in the Coq specification language as follows:
Inductive setBalance_prop : send.BaseSendKeeper -> context -> address.AccAddress -> Coin -> MultiStore -> context -> Prop := ... Lemma setBalance_ok bk addr balance ctx uctx: send.setBalance bk ctx addr balance = error.Ok error.error context uctx -> exists newMultiStore, uctx = update_ms_context ctx newMultiStore /\ validate_coin balance /\ setBalance_prop bk ctx addr balance newMultiStore uctx /\ view.GetBalance bk.(send.svkeeper) uctx addr balance.(Denom) = error.Ok error.error Coin balance.
The Coq code for the other properties can be found in the report.
The verification's baseline consists of several assumptions and axioms, which can be further validated to expand the scope of the work. Some possible areas of future focus include:
This article demonstrates the successful formal verification of the Cosmos SDK bank module, providing a foundation for improved security and reliability in the blockchain ecosystem. The application of formal verification to such modules is a powerful form of Web3 security analysis. Future work can expand on this achievement by validating assumptions, verifying other modules, and encompassing the entire Cosmos SDK infrastructure, ultimately contributing to a more robust and verifiably trustworthy platform for developers and users.